Remote DBA Services
Breeze-CG has a world-wide staff of professional DBAs available to handle all your
Database Administration needs.
Database Administrators are expensive personnel. Additionally, it is often necessary to
have redundancy in the role due to the need for 24/7, vacation and emergency coverage.
Further the technology landscape is ever changing. Software houses are updating and
upgrading their offerings on a continuous basis requiring regular, expensive, training of
DBA personnel.
Breeze-CG can help relieve many of those costs for your organization.
Breeze can become your DBA staff. This option removes all the costs of training, benefits
and redundancy from your purview. Breeze provides 24/7 DBA staffing with flexible
service level agreements (SLAs).
Breeze offers proactive service management, software stack analysis, license review and
utilization analysis in additional to standard DBA activities such as maintenance, backup,
problem resolution, helpdesk, etc.
Breeze-CG has deep expertise in Oracle and Oracle applications DBA responsibilities.
Alright but suppose that I'm not comfortable with no DBA locally?
Breeze-CG can also provide supplemental DBA staffing. Your in-house DBA can focus
upon strategic initiatives and long term planning and let the routine items be a breeze by
turning them over to Breeze-CG. Alternatively, Breeze-CG can provide off-hours support
so your DBA can arrive refreshed and ready for the day each morning. Perhaps you
simply need vacation or emergency coverage, Breeze has hourly pricing models that allow
maximum flexibility to meet your needs.